Superb machine, great sound quality, to many functions to go through here, store music in uncompressed PCM or different compressed formats like Mp3 or two different types of ATRAC, Atrac and Atrac plus, many different bit rates for mp3 and atrac are avaliable, Atrac plus is my choice, sounds better than mp3 and for favourite albums it has to be PCM, Optical and coaxial digital in's and out's, functions to transfer audio to cell phones, mp3 players and memory cards from internal storage with conversion on the fly for the likes of pcm to mp3 or atrac, it also has composit video output to feed into a tv if required to have the display on a larger screen, high speed cd copy onto internal hdd and function to convert pcm to mp3 or atrac internaly to save space if required, it's not perfect but for a machine this complex it is good enough for me, the main thing is the sound quality and this is top notch imo and great to be able to find music i want without looking for the cd, best to download the manual from sony website if you need more info.