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Roksan Caspian M2 Balanced CD Player

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DAC:PCM1798 Advace Segment
FQ Response:20Hz – 20kHz ± 0.2dB
Other:Operating System: CD digital audio system (CD, CD-R, CD-RW)
Resolution/Sampling: 24 bits / 192 kHz
Oscillation: 3rd Overtone Oscillation
Crystal: Super precision, custom made
Jitter: <130 psec (Typically <70 psec)
Idle Pattern: <-105 dB
Stop band Rejection: <-95 dB
Harmonic Distortion: <0.0015% @ 0dB, 1kHz (Typically 0.0005%) / <0.005% @ -30dB, 1kHz / <0.01% @ 0dB, 20kHz
Intermod. Distortion: <0.001% @ 0dB (Typically 0.0005%)
Wow & Flutter: Quartz precision
Channel Separation:>100 dB @ 1kHz />100 dB @ 20kHz
Output Voltage: 1.95Vrms
Analogue Outputs: L&R, RCA Gold plated / L&R Balanced XLR Gold plated
Digital Outputs: 75 Ohm Coaxial, RCA Gold plated / 110 Ohm Balanced AES/EBU, XLR Gold plated / Optical, Toslink
Mechanical Isolation: Main chassis de-coupling feet, custom made
Laser mechanism: 2 stage de-coupling
Power Supply: x2 Ultra low noise toroidal transformers / 12 fully regulated power rails
Power Cons:> 30W Watts
Dimensions:432 x 80 x 330mm (W x H x D)
Weight:10kg / 22lbs

Rating: 9.83 out of 10



By: Manta 24th May 2014
5 out of 5 "Yes, it is as good as everyone says"
Well, where to start? This is the best CD player I have ever owned without doubt.

It is just so incredibly musical. I know that sounds a bit of an odd thing to say but you do actually forget that you are listening to a CD. It is so capable, detailed and smooth that you become immersed and captivated by the sound produced. Granted, my set-up isn't exactly budget (Pre/Power Amp combo and Tannoy Precision 6.4 speakers) but I have had numerous CD players before, even some pretty high end stuff, but this tops the poll by far.

My main concern before purchasing it was of course the hefty price tag of £1800. It took a lot consideration on my part to muster up the courage to lay out that sort of money, on a CD player of all things, but if you're reading this you'll probably know why we're driven to pursue our passion. OK, so I could have bought one second hand and saved a few pounds but the used price was still around £1000 and even then do you know what you're actually getting? Best to go that extra mile I think and purchase brand new with a manufacturers 5 year warranty and no uncertainties of any previous unknown history on a used one.

I don\'t use the balanced outputs, just the regular RCA interconnects. The CD/Tannoy combination works incredibly well together producing a pure yet extremely natural sound that often catches you unaware, sometimes creating a 3D like sound-scape that plays tricks with your senses. I have paused the playback on a number of occasions only to find that whatever I thought was coming from outside or another room was actually in the recording. The dynamics are also stunning. Even at low volume levels sub bass notes rumble and the high frequencies and mid-range complete the spectrum with a warm room filling sound that is still full of detail and clarity. I read somewhere that it even does a decent job of replaying poorly produced CDs and I can confirm this. Get the thinnest sounding CD in your collection and you'll think that it's been remastered. OK, so it's not exactly going to be drum 'n' bass but it won't sound like a transistor radio either. Another bonus that I've discovered is that it copes really well with scratched or scuffed CDs. I have CDs that simply won't play on other machines but the Roksan has no problem with them so I'm happy as I no longer have to buy replacements.

I know that people are saying that the CD is dead and that might be the case for the majority but vinyl was dead a few years ago too. I don\'t think that the cassette will be making a comeback any time soon but if you are looking for one last blast at CD then you have to do it with style and make this the player to do it with.

I used to 'like' CD but now thanks to this player I 'love' CD and am looking forward to many more years with the digital disc.
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