Being familiar with the name MA - I was invited to hear a pair that were used at an interesting price point. I had previously used Snell Tyoe A, Goetz II, and III's in my system so I was accustomed to a detailed & spacious sound field. But with room constraints & trying to match my wifes decor design, I was resigned to small monitor types. Upon first audition on less than audiophile quality equipment, I could tell there was a certain refinement that I was not accustomed to for this size of box or price (<$500 used). I sat on it for a night & upon some urging from a dealer friend of mine who was favorable, I snatched them up. As this was the re-emerging of my 1980's hi-end system debut - I have slowly added & tweaked the inputs back into reasonably audiophile territory - much to make the qualities of the PM-702's shine. While the bass is somewhat limited & rolls off (for an old AR-9 owner who knows solid & authoritative), the mids & highs are silky & detailed with the ability to diagnose the tiniest infraction in recording techniques. Subtle nuance in recordings or upgrades are not wasted on the resolution presented in the PM-702's. Jazz, rock acoustics, and classical are excellent for the 702's. The 702's will rock, but due to size & typical party atmosphere, I would say the 702's are not your college student's 1st choice. To solve my inner "wonk" for solidity/authority in the lower bass registers, I added the Paradigm PDR-12 for a L-shaped room of about 1000 sq ft. It dove-tailed nicely after getting dialed in for the room characteristics & frequency roll-off of the 702's 6" woofer. As any audiophile/music lover will say - we are always on the "sonic make" looking for the next find. But if your budget & equipment are in the beer budget category, and you are not looking to play house shaking volume - the PM 702's will satisfy your longing for musicality. Eqpmt: Arcam AVR 700, Goetz stereo 100wpc amp, Sony ES-w/digiout into Arcam DAC, AQ FMS Blue interconnect, AQ Bedrock spkr cable (wow), Fuhrman pwr strip, 1 Shunyata pwr cable to Arcam (wow), Bedini quadra beam clarifier (wow!)