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Yamaha RX-330

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Power Output:2 x 60 Watts (8 Ohms)
Tuner: AM, FM
Power Cons:260 Watts
Dimensions:435 x 126 x 291mm (W x H x D)
Weight:5.2kg / 11.44lbs

Rating: 8.00 out of 10



By: R.L. Hoepker 2nd Sep 2012
5 out of 5 "RX-330 Yamaha receiver"
I bought my RX-330 new in 1991, if memory serves me correctly, from Circuit City. It's been a totally trouble-free unit. For many of the last ten years I haven't played it that much, until this past year. I have a pair of DCM CX27 speakers that are of the same vintage as the Yamie. At any rate this little receiver has served me well. It still has great sound quality and rocks those DCMs like it's no one's business. The sound is great and the power is plenty for the smaller room they are in, in my finished basement.

Before I bought this Yamaha, in the late 70s I bought a 30W Sansui AU217 amp, which served me well until my home was burglerized in the late 80s and they swiped it.

I might buy another vintage receiver soon. I am leaning towards another Sansui. I also picked up a vintage late 70s Marantz 2225 receiver a couple of years ago and am pleased with it, after I got it cleaned up internally and replaced its bulbs.

Two years ago I bought a modern Yamaha surround sound receiver & speakers to go with my Samsung high def LED TV. The Yamie RX330 sold me on the quality and durability of the Yamaha brand!
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