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Technics RS-TR373

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Dimensions:430 x 135 x 272mm (W x H x D)
Weight:4.4kg / 9.68lbs

Rating: 6.33 out of 10



By: nadav 14th Aug 2013
2 out of 5 "Low end deck for simple home use."
This one is for simple playback & basic recordings, but Not for professional use.

The Deck's poor recording levels & lack of "TPS" fails it's Suggested Retail price of CA $300+.
Even it's Attractive & sleek design cannot make up for the over pricing mentioned above.

It's useful features are :
1) Dolby HX Pro/ Dolby B-C NR & High Speed FF/WW.
2) Motorized open/close doors & Computerized direct operations to minimize button pressing.
3) Advanced transport design for tape protection & performance.

Model will do good for basic home use.

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