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Home : Cassette Decks : Technics RS-BX701

Technics RS-BX701

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Dimensions:430 x 125 x 293mm (W x H x D)
Weight:6kg / 13.2lbs

Rating: 9.00 out of 10



By: nadav 13th Aug 2013
5 out of 5 "Technics deck made to deliver everything you want."
This is a Technics Deck with Ergonomic & attractive design, combined with Rigid engineering & Superb manufacturing refinements that ensure years of solid performance & value.

features such as "ATC ( Auto Tape Calibration ) & the additional "3 Head Design in particular will allow superb recordings that exceeds the limits, when an experienced audiophile & professional user hooks a good Equalizer to the setup.

Other features of this Deck will allow further enhancement of quality & fine tuning on Type I/II/IV tapes.

Live Recordings can be monitored for desired Quality results, sparing the user from guessing the correct recording levels & re recording which could save a lot of time & hassles.

Excellent for professional use with expensive tapes from leading brands.

This deck exceeds all expectations that gives it s standing for expensive pricing & recommendations from experts.

A proven high end deck from Technics.
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