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Rotel RDP-980

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Dimensions:440 x 72 x 316mm (W x H x D)
Weight:6.3kg / 13.86lbs

Rating: 10.00 out of 10



By: Navanski 1st Feb 2022
5 out of 5 "Quality vintage DAC"
This thing is built to last, a really sturdy build with some quality components inside. It can handle up to 8 digital sources, 4 optical, 4 coax.
I bought it recently to go with a Rotel RDD-980 CD transport. These two items match each other and were normally sold together. I was a little concerned because I already had a Topping DX3Pro which, as a budget DAC, is highly regarded in some circles. The newer Topping DAC can handle much higher 'Hi-Res'sampling rates than the Rotel units measly 44.1 or 48khz.
Now I'm wondering whether to keep the Topping. Despite it's age and it's limited sampling rate ability, the RDP-980 kicks the Topping out of the park. More musicality, better imaging, greater sound-stage. My wife noticed the difference immediately. These sound improvements hold true independent of the source. I've tried CD transport, Squeezebox 3, Xiaomi Mi S box and audio Chromecast and each one of the digital sources is improved.
If you see one of these under €180 and you don't care about USB - buy it - you won't be disappointed. And the combination of the RDP-980 DAC and the RDD-980 CD Transport is superb.
15 people liked this review.

By: Vinnie 11th Nov 2019
5 out of 5 "Rotel RDP-980"
The Rotel RDP-980, is an excellent DAC, with outstanding detail and insight, a warm full sound, clean accurate top end, tight powerful bottom end, and detailed warm mids, and expansive sound stage, a well balanced sound that with ease, can reveal elements of a recording that you haven't noticed previously, a very good match for an already revealing amplifier and speaker combination, if you find one for sale, I recommend you have a listen, and buy, I doubt you will be disappointed.

It is a very well made, heavy, and extremely well designed internally, with very good quality components throughout, and the matching cd transport ( RDD 980 ) is of similar high quality.
39 people liked this review.