By: bill barney
11th Jan 2013
"great preamp but has one fault"
I have this preamp connected to some decent power (Bryston) and love the way it sounds. But if I could do things over again, I would have gotten the RC-850 instead as it has inputs for both an MC and MM phono. I don't know why Rotel didn't have these in this newer version??? That's why it only gets a 4. I had to get a separate phono pre in order to get it to work as part of my system. Other then that, its a pretty good preamp for the money.
35 people liked this review.
By: Manta
7th Jul 2009
"Ideal partner for the RB-970BX Power Amp"
Well matched with the RB-970BX Power Amp. It has plenty of inputs for CD, tuner, etc. but it does lack a phono input for a turntable.
20 people liked this review.