By: Walter
19th Dec 2016
"Quad 44 pre-amp user experience"
I got recently a complete Quad system, for free! What a friend!, from my friend who moved from a large house to an appartment. Therefore he was somewhat limited in space. Quad 405 amp, Quad 44 pre-amp and a pair of QUAD ESL 63 electrostatic speakers. This configuration is at least 30 years old and served (and serves) on a daily base. But, oh, what a sound! After 30 years of daily use, not a click, not a hiss or a scratch. Just pure sound and pure dynamics. We use it for background music, TV/movie sound reproduction (yes, we hear every breath or cough in the TV news and experience every subsonic boom during an action movie) and music streaming. And we are still admiring the clarity and dynamics of this system. Top audio! TheQuad 44 pre-amp is somewhat special. The tone control has an unique way to correct for the room un-balance. Works very well. Also the bass control is very effective and compensates for the basdrop of electrostatic speakers below 60Hz. People who state that electrostatic speakers need a separate subwoofer are obviously not using a Quad pre-amp.
16 people liked this review.
By: Carl Hebb
21st Jan 2012
Despite being thirty years old, this is still a great sounding pre amp with a fully comprehensive disc input for matching magnetic cartridges it should be remembered that a pick up input stage these days in the main has to be purchased as an extra, also two tape machines can be used or combinations of CD recorders etc, this is the centre of my system and shall remain so as Quad still service and repair them in the unlikely event of a fault developing. They still demand in excess of two hundred pounds, and the later grey version can fetch four hundred pounds on eBay. A reflection of their popularity.
17 people liked this review.