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Home : Graphic Equalizers : Kenwood GE-7030

Kenwood GE-7030

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Rating: 7.80 out of 10



By: Kenwood-Ken 1st May 2014
5 out of 5 "Great Sounding and versatile Graphic & Parametric-Equalizer mit 6 DSP-Pattern from the early 90´s"
This Kenwood-GE730-Graphic & Parametric-Equalizer purchased in 1994 makes a great Sound-Job for many years, within my HiFi-Rack. With a big and nice-looking (Demo)-FL-Display and many Options for optimizing the Sound , e.g. 14-(+-12-db)-channel Frequency-settings and 6 fixed DSP-Sound-Pattern as also an optional Parametric-EQ, to set a nearly optimal Soundlevel in a quick & easy way, gives this versatile EQ with an amazing Signal-to-noise-Ratio (>105! db) and so easy as well as comfortable Usage. This device could improving many old and sniffy records to amazing nearly HiFi-Highlights wich Sounds more ´fresh & crispy´,...you now! ;-) (The Graphics-EQ-Demo-Mode on Screen is really an amazing Performance-Pixel-Show, enjoy it!:)

I recommend this awesome EQ-Device highly for many old and cheesy Records and frequently faultily Loud-Speakers as well as Low-Sounding-Audio-Devices. (+ many other Audio-"Crap")
How sad, that Kenwood don´t more producing good HiFi-Equipment since many Years, so nowadays this EQ is a scarce device that could only purchased common at Used-Device-Selling-Online-Plattforms (e.g. E-Bay & Co.) and perhaps on local fleamarket! :)

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