By: FloridaPhil
19th Feb 2021
"Jamo 307a"
I've had my pair of vintage 307a’s since the late 1990's.
They required an ENORMOUS amount of breaking in – over 200 hours before the harshness left and they sweetened up. They are also very amplifier dependent and need something capable of delivering decent current otherwise they just sound flat.
They are neutral, almost analytical with very detailed with a wide soundstage and great separation.
As to be expected for a speaker of this size, there's not much bass, but partnered with a half-decent sub, they continue to deliver lovely performance some 23 years after I bought them.
30 people liked this review.
By: Michael
4th May 2012
"Jamo 307 High End Speakers"
Clear and great Sound, but quiet expensive Speakers
22 people liked this review.