By: Nadav
15th Feb 2015
"High end cassette deck for Hi Fi Enthusiasts"
This is a JVC deck from the 90's. Well designed, built & engineered for exceptional performance & value.
Loaded with great features & the exceptional "Computer Calibration System " -that allows maximum performance & Quality recording of many tape types.
The 3 motor silent mechanism is a great feature for quiet listening environment & advanced tape transport operations, such as 3 Mode Auto Reverse & Music search.
Computer link system allows operations between other JVC components, such as Sync recording, DDRP & other operations.
Overall This deck performs great & it got everything a user need. A good maintenance like cleaning the heads & transports every 10 - 20 hours is recommended.
Few recording experiments should be tried to make the most of this unit.
42 people liked this review.
By: david startup
25th Jun 2014
"jvc td-w314"
This is a fantastic deck to come out of the JVC stables, both decks work fantastically, not to many people know this but this deck is used by many professional DJ's because of its features. Anyone considering buying a double deck I highly recommend this deck IMHO you will not be disappointed, its really worth checking out. Again I recommend keeping the heads cleaned after about 10 to 30 uses.
21 people liked this review.