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Home : Cassette Decks : Denon DRM-540

Denon DRM-540

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Dimensions:435 x 125 x 255mm (W x H x D)

Rating: 8.00 out of 10



By: BiggieTembo 7th Mar 2014
4 out of 5 "Denon DRM-540"
Update, expanding and re-appraisal of earlier review: Great cassette deck - bought in Richer Sounds, Bristol, UK, around 1994, and still going strong. Had it repaired once, to change the bands driving the drive wheels (it had been used nearly every day for 5 years), but apart from that, no problems.

The responses of the controls are very subtle, the servos react instantly and are very smooth - you don't have to put any pressure on any of the buttons - they respond immediately. The Display is clear and understandable, and the knobs, although seeming slightly "loose" (not physically loose, but very easy to turn) have responded well for 20 years, so no criticism there.

Recording and playback is very good - fidelity is reproduced in a very fine way, and the Dolby B and C recordings reproduce themselves commendably - 99% perfect, albeit not as pitch-perfect as a Sony 3-head with Dolby S, for instance. But that's just nit-picking. It lacks a monitoring button - but on the whole a great little unit.

A little quirk of the unit is that when the cassette buttons are released after pressing - they go "boing" like a little spring! It gives the impression that the unit it still young as fresh as when first bought.

With maintenance, switch cleaner, de-magnetising and head.cleaning - this unit will serve you well. I hadn't bought any Denon product before this one - but I would recommend Denon products to all after experiencing this tight little deck.
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