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Denon DCD-960

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Dimensions:434 x 105 x 280mm (W x H x D)
Weight:5kg / 11lbs

Rating: 8.33 out of 10



By: Vinnie 11th Aug 2012
4 out of 5 "My DCD-960"
Had this cd player for years, bought it in the early 1990's, actualy i think it was 1990 or 91, anyway i've cleaned the laser lens a few times and the player is still working, the remote has worn out but the played can be controled from any learning remote for most functions and the front of the machine has all the controles for programming etc, sound quality is above average but nothing really mind blowing, a very reliable cd player though, loads disc's fast and has a good display and some functions you don't usualy get on the average cd player, like being able to split a cd into two parts to fit on a cassette tape of different lengths e.g. c45, c60 c90 etc, not that you will need that now that tape's are mostly museum exhibits, has optical and coaxial digital out put and fixed and variable analogue outputs also.
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