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Denon AVR-2803

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Dimensions:434 x 171 x 416mm (W x H x D)

Rating: 9.50 out of 10



By: Randall 3rd Nov 2012
5 out of 5 "great Reciever"
I've had this unit since 2004. I used it up until 2011 as my main Surround A/V unit in a 7.1 setup. It was outstanding andI only replaced it because with the new surround modes being offered ( Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Tru HD, DTS ES and DTS) it was starting to fall behind. So I up graded and stored it in the closet. Then Nov. 2012, i pulled it out of the closet picked up a set of vintage advent heritage speakers and OMG! the combo sounds great. The AVR2803 is just a great receiver. I'm glad i kept it and could re-purposed it for audio only.

Love it! and see many more years of service coming out of it.
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