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Home : CD Players : Cambridge Audio Azur 640C (Version 2)

Cambridge Audio Azur 640C (Version 2)

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Dimensions:430 x 70 x 310mm (W x H x D)

Rating: 9.00 out of 10



By: nightcleaner 21st Apr 2011
2 out of 5 "Cambridge"
We had two of these. Second one was a replacement by Richer Sounds for the first that had gone wrong. The fault was exactly to the month the guarantee run out. The laser track needed cleaning and the laser stuck within the same time durations on all CDs. Not knowing this was the cause of the problem. Richer Sounds graciously under there superb warranty replaced it. The replacement miraculously after the same time period developed the same fault. There was another issue we did not like CDs would jump backwards occasionally when the draw closed and were caught between the draw and the casing and rendered CDs unusable. The players had a good sound we used it with a Musical Fidelity x-80 amplifier. We bought a second hand Sony CD player which is a workhorse plays anything no discriminating we never looked back. Has Superb remote on the Cambridge works all the functions on the musical fidelity amp which is still in use.
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